12-8 IAN Cure for CCD?

12-8 IAN Cure for CCD?

 Univ. of Montana bee scientists may have found cause of Colony Collapse Disorder.


Over the years we’ve paid pretty close attention to and reported on Colony Collapse Disorder in bees because bees are so vital to agriculture. But bees have been seriously jeapordized by some mysterious disorder that has been killing them in epidemic rates. Since 2006, billions of bees have flown from their hives and simply disappeared. Now news from A research team, including University of Montana honeybee experts, that they may have uncovered a combination of two variables that has been killing the bees. Researchers discovered a previously unknown North American honeybee virus and a fungal pathogen in all of the samples of ground-up honeybees collected at hives afflicted by CCD from 2006 to 2009. Idaho Honeybee Association spokesperson Bill Ahaus says that if the one-two punch could be broken down, bees may survive: If thse 2 always show up in tandem can we control one of them, this fungus, we have a treatment for that it’s called fumigellan, so I’m thinking if you knock out one of these 2, it breaks up the pair and is that enough to beat CCD?


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