Russ Fulcher

Russ Fulcher

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Russell M. Fulcher was born March 9, 1962 and is a former Majority Caucus Chairman of the Idaho Senate and current Republican Candidate for Governor of Idaho in 2018. Prior to his decade of service in Idaho's 22nd Legislative District (Meridian)…Well I'll let him tell you as he addressed folks at an Idaho Farm Bureau function. "The Farm Bureau community has had a big influence on me. My roots are in the ag industry as I grew up on a dairy farm in Meridian. The dairy farms are now gone because Meridian grows houses. I believe we live in the most interesting time in the history of this nation. Contemplate for a moment the changes in our lifetimes. As I look around this room, there's a little bit of a difference in ages but not much. Think of the changes in our lifetime with communications and television and computers and Internet and all that stuff. We are living in a time with all that instantaneous information. Personally I think we have a tendency to think just a little bit less and to follow just a little bit more which has impacted our society. Urbanization is a little bit worrisome to me. That's because the things that we all grew up with and lived with in the farm communities, those values, and those precepts in that system that we governed our life by, our character, has a tendency to shift a bit more on the secular side.”
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