Public Meetings To Discuss Scope of Columbia River System

Public Meetings To Discuss Scope of Columbia River System

The federal agencies who run the Columbia River system are in the scoping stage of exploring a range of reasonable alternatives for long-term system operations and evaluate the potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts on flood risk management, irrigation, power generation, navigation, fish and wildlife, culture resources and recreation — and are seeking public comment. As a part of this process there will be 15 meetings and two webinars happening to help determine the scope of the analysis.
Pacific Northwest Waterways Association Executive Director Kristin Meira encourages those ag producers to attend the meetings and share their thoughts and opinions.
Meira: “The folks whose livelihoods and access to international markets depends on whether or not this river system is open for business. This is a very important time to make sure that your views are heard and our federal agencies to hear that it is important to capture all the impacts of any potential changes to how the river is run. For a very long time, folks who are engaged in river transportation have supported a balanced approach to the river. One that protects our fish runs — which all of us value — while also protecting the ability to transport Northwest cargo.”
Meira continues with how to participate in the process.
Meira: “Folks who are interested in learning more, finding a meeting near them or going online to submit their comments. It is very easy you just go to”


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