Corey's Alaskan Trip

Corey's Alaskan Trip

Matt Rice
Matt Rice
About a month ago one of my good friends from Idaho, Corey guided a couple of hunts in Alaska. He just got back home last week, so I figured I'd give him a call and see how everything went way up north.

Corey "Well it wasn't too bad. The brown bear hunting, I got in one brown bear hunter and we got into some bad weather and stuff like that and we didn't get a bear. We seen a couple of nice big boars but with the wind and the rain and some bad weather days and the fog and then we ended up getting some hot days and the bears quit moving so it was just kind of tuff to get on one. We actually seen quite a few bears, a lot of sows and cubs and a few nice boars but where we were at we just weren't able to get on one."

Corey, and 3 other guides and hunters were flown in to a private lodge where they guided/ hunted both for grizzlies and moose.

"A nonresident you have to have a guide, just grizzly bears, dall sheep, and mountain goats you have to have a guide but for like moose, caribou, wolf, and black bear you don't have to have a guide. At the lodge they took a few bears at the lodge"

How'd the rest of the crew do with moose hunting?

"at the lodge we took one that was 51 ½, 57 ½, 58 ¼, and 55 in."

Ya, I'd say you guys had some success. I've always wanted to take some time and go after a great Alaskan Moose. Corey, as always thanks for sharing.

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