People Skills Essential For Ag Producers

People Skills Essential For Ag Producers

In the past farmers or ranchers could operate as individuals --- not having to rely on others for success. However, as agriculture has consolidated and the globe has become smaller, getting along with and working with others has become more and more important. Even if a farmer doesn't have employees, he or she must be able to work with business partners, stakeholders, suppliers, alliances, or customers.

Dr. Dave Kohl, Globetrotting Emeritus ag econ professor from Virginia Tech, is often asked what is the most important skill for today's ag producers to possess and to look for in their employees.

Kohl: "People skills. I have the 40-20-40 rule far as people. Forty percent of people you don't want on board. They feel like they are entitled and world owes them a living -- and sometimes they are a family member. Twenty percent will be marginal. But the other 40 percent are the ones you want on the team. What are their characteristics? They show up to work on time, they follow directions and they can get along with people. Those are the people who can add profit to your bottom line."

Dr. Kohl says the marginal 20 percent will require additional coaching and mentoring from their boss and that the negative 40 percent can drag you down if you keep them on the payroll. He stresses you can't pay the good team players enough.

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