Agribusiness Update for Wednesday 8/06/14

Agribusiness Update for Wednesday 8/06/14

This is the Agribusiness Update...I'm Greg Martin...

Congress broke for the August recess last week leaving the Fiscal Year 2015 agriculture appropriations bill on the table which funds the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. The House last debated the bill in June.  One reason the bill may not have seen any debate could be pointed towards Majority Leader Eric Cantor's primary loss and decision to step down. There was fear the bill would not have enough votes due to Democrats not supporting the school nutrition provision included.  The Senate bill was combined with the Commerce-Justice-Science and the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development appropriation bills, but has yet to hit the Senate floor. 

The USDA Farmers Market directory has increased 76 percent since 2008. The directory now includes 8,268 markets.  USDA has announced it is now developing three new local directories.  The announcement kicked off celebrations for National Farmers Market week going on this week.  USDA will add a Community Supported Agriculture Enterprise Directory, a National Food Hub Directory and an On Farm Market Directory.

That's today's Agribusiness Update from the Ag Information Network.

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