Farm Bill hearing Saturday in Nampa, Idaho

Farm Bill hearing Saturday in Nampa, Idaho

Farm and Ranch April 29, 2010 The U.S. House Agriculture Committee is holding field hearings over the next several days around the U.S. on reauthorization of the Farm Bill. One of those hearings is being held Saturday, May 1st in Nampa, Idaho at the campus of Northwest Nazarene University beginning at one p.m.

Travis Jones, Executive Director of the Idaho Grain Producers Association says the organization that represents about 700 wheat and barley producers in Idaho was invited to testify and its President will be making a presentation.

Jones: “Yes, Scott Brown. He is a farmer over in Soda Springs, Idaho in the southern part of the state. He is going to be speaking on behalf of Idaho‘s wheat and barley producers. We are going to have a few other grain leaders there. Looking forward to talking about our priorities or at least beginning the discussion on what the 2012 Farm Bill may look like.”

Jones says the input to the committee will be more conceptual at this point in time.

Jones: “We can at least begin that discussion on innovative ideas because we know that there are going to be a lot of issues coming up, whether it is the amount of money that can be spent on farm programs, because the government obviously has some constraints at that at the moment, or just what works best for farmers.”

Testimony at the hearing is by invitation only but it is open to the public.

The current Farm Bill does not expire until September of 2012 but House Ag Committee Chairman Collin Peterson wants to get an early start.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report on Northwest Aginfo Net.


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