USDA sees continued decline in beef herd

USDA sees continued decline in beef herd

Washington Ag Today After a challenging 2009, what can beef cattle producers look forward to in 2010?

Greene: “What we are looking in 2010 I think is a little bit better.”

That is USDA livestock analyst Joel Greene speaking at USDA’s recent Outlook Conference where he said the economy seems to be improving, feed prices could be lower this year, so returns might improve. But producers can’t turn on a dime. They have been cutting herd size which is currently one percent smaller than a year ago. The calf crop last year was the lowest in 60 years.

Greene: “And we do not expect the herd to increase but to decline in 2010 so the 2011 will be down also.”

With beef production expected to drop this year the USDA says fed steer prices could average 88 dollars a hundredweight in 2010, almost seven percent higher than 2009.

The Washington State Conservation Commission is accepting applications for proposals seeking Commission sponsorship of Farmland Preservation Program grants. Friday March 12th is the application deadline.

Grants may be used to buy conservation easements to protect valuable farmland from being converted to another use. Portions of grants may also be used to enhance the agricultural production of preserved farmland or to help restore and help to restore or enhance ecological functions, including providing benefits to wildlife. Eligible farmland may include ranch and irrigated or dry cropland.

For more information and applications go to the Washington Conservation Commission website at

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s Washington Ag Today on the Northwest Ag Information Network.



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