The Wide World of Wheat from the Washington Wheat Commission

The Wide World of Wheat from the Washington Wheat Commission

Anchor: And now from the Washington Wheat Commission comes “The wide world of wheat� grain industry headlines from around the world. A Canadian grain growers’ group wants to look at the Canadian Wheat Board’s financial books. Grain Growers of Canada called for an independent review of the last three years records after the CWB’s annual report showed losses of nearly $90 million in its producer payment options. Meanwhile, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association said the CWB’s administrative expenses are rising too fast. In 2008, CWB overhead stood at $75 million. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization forecasts the use of cereals in bio-fuel production will increase to 104 million tons in 2009/2010, representing almost 5 percent of the world’s cereal production. That, plus bad weather, conflict and volatile prices could reduce grain production amongst the world’s major producers. Reports that drought threatens China’s wheat crop should not affect domestic availability. A researcher with the state grain administration says five consecutive years of bountiful harvests means even with a production drop of 10 to 15 percent there will be enough grain supply to keep prices stable. I’m Bob Hoff. Anchor: The Washington Wheat Commission wants growers and citizens alike to understand their industry has global reach. A pebble thrown anywhere in the world of grain is felt as ripples by Washington’s 13,000 growers and their landlords.
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