Factory Farms

Factory Farms

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest who claims there are too many factory farms and urges people to go vegan.

Yesterday in a conversation with Kay Johnson Smith of the Animal Agriculture Alliance we learned that animal activists are becoming very pervasive. Here is an example. Every year, there is a celebration that is called Food Day -  wherein a nationwide campaign encourages Americans to eat real. I don't know exactly what that means but The Center for Science in the Public Interest sponsored Food Day. Jeff Cronin is a spokesperson for that group.  "I think we can look at the way big farms treat animals, whether it's beef, pork, egg laying and people should think about the big environmental issues of these big farms and just think about the way we can treat the earth and animals with more respect  and care. We are not a vegan operation but we would like to nudge people towards more vegetarianism. We have tried to make food day and event that will attract people not repel them."


Well something his comments attracted was a response from Kay Johnson Smith of the Animal Agriculture Alliance. "No one has really defined the term factory farm. It is an activist term used to attack large farms and large farms are very, very critical to feeding the public in the US as well as worldwide."

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