A conversation with WSU's new spring wheat breeder

A conversation with WSU's new spring wheat breeder

Washington Ag Today December 29, 2009 Washington State University’s new spring wheat breeder, Michael Pumphrey will be assuming his new responsibilities next month. Pumphrey, who has been a research geneticist with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service in Kansas was in Washington during the Wheat Growers convention this fall.

Pumphrey: “I am excited about the current health and status of the WSU wheat breeding program. I think there is a lot of potential there. I am quite optimistic that we going to be able to continue to develop varieties that are selected by the growers.”

Pumphrey described the interaction he’s had with growers so far.

Pumphrey: “It’s been overwhelmingly positive. I think most of the growers are excited to have some new breeders just because we are young and energetic. It has been quite a positive reaction. I have heard questions about Clearfield technology in spring wheat, about increased production options with facultative wheat. Of course some of the grand challenges like heat and drought tolerance have been brought up. Those are all things we hope to chip away at over the future.”

The new spring wheat breeder says he has no hesitation about utilizing biotechnology in his work.

Pumphrey: “I don’t necessarily have any philosophical issues. I‘m kind of agnostic about the technology. I just want to make sure we are able to produce over time what the world needs.”

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s Washington Ag Today on the Northwest Ag Information Network.



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